Is The Theory of Evolution A Source of Racism and Evil? A Very Brief Look at Some of The Impact The Theory Has Had

The Darwin sycophants who frequent generally insist quite vehemently that Darwin's theory of evolution had nothing whatsoever to do with the first or second world wars, nor the Nazis and the Holocaust, nor the mass and institutionalised murder of disabled Germans, nor even the post-war sterilization projects carried out in many countries, including even perceived 'liberal,' countries such as Sweden. The general argument appears to be that people have always been bad, racist, nasty to Jews, and have always had it in for the disabled, and that consequently the theory of evolution has had nothing whatsoever to do with a long list of 20th century horrors.

Well, that's rubbish. If any of these Darwin sycophants took the time to read some history books about turn of the century Europe, and Germany in the first half of the 20th century in particular, they would discover that it is the orthodox historical position, that the theory of evolution played a part in inspiring people to racism, murder, and war.

We tend to forget this, because our elites do not think this way any more, but there was a time when people applied Darwin's theory of evolution to people, dubbed Social Darwinism. It was in ' the 1870s and 1880s that Social Darwinism spread throughout the western industrialised world, where it exerted a considerable influence, before reaching it apogee in the radical racialist theories of National Socialism ( the Nazis).' (1) An example of the voluminous literature devoted to popularizng Social Darwinism from the turn of the century period, is the great literary success of 1913 written by Geberal Bernhardi called Vom Heutigen Kriege, which ' expounded the thesis that war was a biological necessity and a convenient means of ridding the world of the unfit. These views were not confined to a lunatic fringe, but won wide acceptance especially among journalists, academics and politicians.'(2)These views went right to the top, and the German Chancellor at the outbreak of WW1 Bethmann-Hollweg, ' shared the wide spread belief in middle class circles that a conflict between Slav and Teuton was inevitable.'(3) The Kaiser ( German monarch at outbreak of WW1) is also reported to have had a conversation with the Swiss ambassador in 1912, and to have excitedly talked of the coming 'racial war,' for survival with the Slavs. The Kaiser is reported to have made other similar comments in other discussions in different times and places. This widespread and complacent attitude that war was inevitable, natural, and beneficial in weeding out the inferior races, is generally cited as one of the many causes of the first world war by careful authors. An American Colonel House was appalled by the attitude of resigned complacency and bellicosity he saw when he visited Europe in 1913, and which was to a very large extent the fault of Darwin's writings. Further evidence of how seriously Social Darwinism was taken at the turn of the century, is provided by the propaganda issued by the Pan-German league and other groups within Germany.

The distinguished German historian Wehler has also written (4) that Social Darwinism 'banished hopes for a more open society and put the fixed laws of an anti-egalitarian system of social aristocracy in its place. Its functional significance lay in the fact that it enabled ruling elites to appear compatible with progress, while providing a justification for the immutability of the status quo. At the same time it, it allowed the emancipatory aspirations of the workers or colonial peoples to be dismissed as the futile protestations of inferior subjects in the struggle for existence. Vested with an aura of 'irrefutable' scientific knowledge, it was this versatility of application that gave Social Darwinism its power in its very real connection with the ruling interests. As an ideology it proved virtually ideal for justifying imperialism, it was kept alive by a host of popularizers in the industrialised nations.'

Similar sentiments have been expressed by Hobsbawn in one of the most famous books ever written on the 19th century. (5) ' As the type of Negro ( wrote the Anthropological review ) is foetal, so that of the Mongol is infantile. And in strict accordance with this, we find that their government, literature and art are infantile also. They are beardless children whose life is a task and whose chief virtue consists in unquestioning obedience ( in other words they are only good for slavery.)

Or, as a Captain Osborn put it in a bluff navel way in 1860: ' Treat them as children. Make them do what we know is for their benefit as well as our own, and all difficulties in China are at an end.'

Other races were therefore ' inferior,' either because they represented an earlier stage of biological evolution or of socio-cultural evolution, or both. And their inferiority was proved because in fact the ' superior race,' was superior by the criteria of its own society: technologically more advanced, militarily more powerful, richer and more 'successful.' The argument was both flattering and convenient - so convenient that the middle classes were inclined to take it over from the aristocrats ( who had long fancied themselves as a superior race ) for internal as well as international purposes: the poor were only poor because they were biologically inferior and conversely, if citizens belonged to ' lower races,' it was no wonder they stayed poor and backward.... Racism pervades the thought of our period to an extent hard to appreciate today, and not always easy to understand. ( Why, for instance, the widespread horror of miscegenation and the almost universal belief among whites that ' half-breeds,' inherited precisely the worst features of their parent's races?) Apart from its convenience as a legitimation of the rule of white over colored, rich over poor, it is perhaps best explained as a mechanism by means of which a fundamentally iegalitarian ideology ( Liberalism) rationalised its inequalities.......' Social Darwinism,' and racist anthropology or biology belong not to the science of the 19th centruy but to its politics.'

Of course, modern day evolutionists rightly say Social Darwinism is unreasonable ( they have to because of the hideous consequences and suffering inflicted by its application ), and not a proper interpretation of the theory. However, evolutionists are always saying two things.

1) That evolution using the mechanism of natural selection is a fact and not a theory

2) Human beings are animals the product of evolution via natural selection and nothing else ( i.e. no divine hand ) can the evolutionists express surprise, and claim it is wrong to apply Darwin's theory of evolution to humans? If assumptions 1 and 2 are correct, it must be valid to apply it to humans. Morally we are repulsed by the consequences of applying Social Darwinism, but scientifically given 1 and 2, it is sound. Furthermore, Darwin himself became ' the first Social Darwinist when he advanced the rise of the so called 'Aryan,' race in Europe, and particularly the United States, as proof of the validity of his theories as applied to human society. It could even be said he opened the way for the racialist interpretation of Social Darwinism.' (8) This strikes me as an understatement, Charles Darwin seemed quite upbeat and positive about the elimination of inferior races in mass acts of genocide and the beneficial effects this could have on the human race, 'At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes . . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro [sic] or Australian and the gorilla. (9) So Darwin clearly knew full well the use to which his theory would be put, and he himself laid the ground for later generations of racists and murderers. If nothing else, the use to which Malthus's observation on population growth had been put, made clear the dangerous implications of unleashing pseudo-scientific theories upon the public, that sought to explain human society in ' rational,' and ' scientific,' terms. (10)

Of course as a thinking man Gould has correctly noted Social Darwinism led to an increase in racism and racist attacks, on Blacks, Slavs, Jews and others, 'Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory." (11) But of course, under the Nazis the evil effects of Social Darwinism rose to new institutionalised heights. Hitler was obsessed by race and the cultural superiority of Germans. He greatly feared the superior German gene stock being watered down by inferior ( as he saw it ) Jewish blood. Hence the Holocaust. He also had tens of thousands of disabled or mixed race Germans murdered and / or sterilised. The invasion of Russia which led to literally millions of deaths and untold suffering, was launched for similar reasons. Hitler saw the Russians ( Slavs ) as a competing and inferior race, that the superior Germans should eliminate and replace, using the captured territory as Lebensraum ( living space). Once can hardly express in words the barbarity and evil of these deeds, indeed it is pointless to try, but it is undeniable that the theory of evolution played a very significant part in them. Many people forget / are in a state of denial about, just how much the theory of evolution coloured Hitler's entire world view. Ian Kershaw puts it eloquently, 'the Social Darwinist view of history as a struggle between individual races with victory going to the strongest, fittest and most ruthless, seems to have occupied its place at the center of Hitler's world view by 1914-18 at the latest.' (12)A pretty damming indictment of the effect the theory of evolution has had upon human history if ever there was one, and if you click reference 12 you will find equally damning direct quotations from Hitler.

Darwin's work has always been an important part of Marxist / Communism ideology as well. Now don't misunderstand me, I socialism has certainly not been all bad, a movement that has done much to improve the working conditions of millions. But Marxism / Communism has brought massive suffering to millions, something I am sure no reference is needed to prove, and the theory of evolution with its God-less focus on survival has played its part in intellectually justifying Communisum. Again spoiled for quotes, I chose ' Marx immediately hailed Origin as ' the basis in natural science for our views.' (13)

Evolutionists often talk about the beauty and elegance of their theory, sure, I'd like to see them explain that to some of the millions of victims of Social Darwinism. One thing I know for sure, the theory of evolution is not at all nice or pleasant. It may be easy for white Anglo-Saxon professors to say so, but the victims of Social Darwinism be it through racism or otherwise, would, and this is an understatement, no doubt find it hard to agree. That's assuming they are still alive of course.

The basic problem with Social Darwinism is that it can be, and has been used to provide intellectual support to a multitude of cruel and vicious policies. Causes which have been justified by Social Darwinism include, slavery, imperialism, racism, genocide, the Holocaust, Fascism, Communism , war, and not helping the poor, to name but a few. Where previously there was no clear intellectual justification for most of these causes, Darwin provided one, and not only that, his justification had the backing of many reputable scientists of his day. Which is the crucial point.

I would like to leave you with this thought. I have demonstrated to you that evolutionists can not be trusted on questions concerning the historical influence of the theory of evolution. If evolutionists lie on this point, how on earth do you imagine we can trust them on more technical and abstract matters associated with their precious theory, such as Haldane's dilemma etc?(14)

Could it be that not only has Darwin inflicted terrible suffering upon millions, but even worse, he was wrong as well. A truly chilling thought.

What I learned in my preparation reading for this file

One of the things I discovered is that biologists in particular, but also sociologists and historians appear to be in a state of denial about the dark side of the theory and its historical impact. Which is why I based this file upon quotations from general historical texts, because these books just try to explain the way things were, the authors have no ideological obsession with Darwinism or axe to grind as do specialist authors on the subject. Whenever a book is specifically written about social Darwinism, the conclusion almost always seems to be it was not Darwin's fault that his writings were perverted. It is of course beyond all argument to anyone who cares to peruse the evidence, that his theory did have a vicious, harmful, and violent historical impact upon the development of human society. The 'perversion,' defence is the only possible one to save Darwin's historical reputation. This is reflected in Richard Hofstader's excellent book Social Darwinism in American Thought, and it is a pity we have no comparable text for Europe. At the start of chapter 9 he even mentions the Descent of Man quote about how Darwin expected white men to go out into the world and exterminate black men, however he puts this claim in print by Darwin down to 'carelessness.' In the conclusion chapter he starts 'There was nothing in Darwinism that inevitably made it an apology for competition or force.' This is ridiculous, since Darwin clearly did see his theory as a justification for force, and if he considered this to be so, then one can only expect others to think the same. How can one keep going through Darwin's books and letters and selectively saying, well, he did not actually mean that statement, or that one, or this one? This selective and dogmatic blindness of almost all evolutionists underlies my opinion that Darwinism is not and has never been science, but is in fact a religion. The refusal of Darwinists to even accept the possibility that their god may have produced a nasty and incorrect theory ( i.e. not been divine but human after all) underlines this point. Put it like this anyway, the adherents of Darwinism look like, act like, and talk like religious fanatics. What conclusion do you draw from that?

Response to attacks on this file

1) People who have read a book or two by Gould seem to consider themselves experts on evolution. And as a result, insist, because Gould does in an article he wrote, that Social Darwinism had nothing to do with Darwin. These people can parrot Gould ( biased secondary source ) all they want, the fact of the matter is writings left behind as historical documents by Darwin ( primary sources ), clearly show he was the first Social Darwinist. References 8 and 9 do prove this, and there are other similar quotes I could have chosen. But if you don't get the point from those two, you are obviously suffering from cognitive dissonance and never will. Why is everyone so desperate not to draw the obvious conclusion which all the evidence points towards? Darwin was a racist, whose writings resulted in suffering for millions, as men such as Hitler formulated and carried through on policies directly inspired by his theory. Historical fact.

2) Some say, okay, I didn't realise Darwin was the first Social Darwinist, but you still can't blame him for the Holocaust, and as a person he was not such a bad guy. True, but as I stated, Malthus's observation on population was fairly recent history when Darwin was writing, and unless you are going to claim Darwin was a deeply stupid man, ( an opinion I certainly don't hold ), he must have known the use his theory would be put to. Darwin's personal qualities also seem irrelevant to me, Hitler was nice to his dog and mistress, so what? And also, it strikes me that absolving Darwin for the crimes of other Social Darwinists, is like Dr Frankenstein saying, ' That monster I created, the killing spree it has gone on, well, it is nothing to do with me.'

3) My references, all taken from mainstream standard texts. The short history of Germany I quote from is widely recognised as the world's leading general text on Germany, for example.

Lastly, lets be clear about this, I have deliberately kept this file short, if I had set my mind to it I could have produced something 5 times as long. So given that I feel I have said just enough to demonstrate my case that Darwin WAS a racist, that he did clearly anticipate the alleged 'perversion,' of his theory, and his theory DID result in a lot of suffering ( the only question being how much we can attribute to him, which is historically unanswerable with precision), then although I hesitate to use the term, judged by its historical impact it seems to me be quite reasonable to call Darwinism as much as anything ever is in life, pure evil.

*Update* Daniel has written in my guest book that ': It seems ridiculous that you believe it's impossible that anyone might have any information that's new to you just because "1/9 of your degree was devoted to the study of Germany." I actually found that line amusing.' I just want to say I wish Daniel all the best in his academic studies, and I hope he never has to do a real University course, because he does not strike me as being up to the task. Anyone who has researched any subject in depth, knows damned well that the authors just repeat each other, and copy each other's errors. Point of fact, I may have read dozens of books on Germany, but to be honest, you only really need to read 4/5 to take you up to 1944 quite nicely. I do wish people posting to my guest book would at least show a SEMBLANCE of basic intellectual ability.

1) p 179 The German Empire, Wehler,Hans-Ulrich.

2) p 205 A history of Germany 1815-1990 4th ed, Carr,W Another German Champion of evolutionary thinking Ernst Haeckel in 1905 published a book in 1905 on similar lines Der Kamkpf um den Entwicklungs-Gedanken ("The Struggle over Evolutionary Thinking").

3) p 208 A history of Germany 1815-1990 4th ed, Carr,W

4) p 180 The German Empire, Wehler,Hans-Ulrich.

5)Hobsbawn, Eric. The Age Of Capital, 1977 ed. p.312

7)From his delivery of the 21st annual Richard Dimbleby lecture on BBC1, and reported in the British national press.

8) p 179 The German Empire, Wehler,Hans-Ulrich, see back of book for references on this

9) Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (London: John Murray, 1901), pp. 241-242.

10) Poor relief in England being cut back for example, because logically ' if anything more than subsistence only breeds misery for the mass of mankind, then baseline subsistence should determine wages,' p373 Europe 1780-1830, Ford, F.L.

And also ' Some statesmen were now pondering doubts over the wisdom of colonization, but no sooner had these ideas taken root that Malthus's gloomy forecasts of overpopulation, published in 1798, began to point to a new use for colonies.' The old Euopean Order, Oxford History, 2nd ed, Doyle,W. Basically it was a jusitification for imperialism and cutting back on poor relief, and any idiot could have predicted a similar fate for Darwin's theory of evolution.

11 [6] Stephen Jay Gould, Ontogeny and Phylogeny (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1977), p. 127. Gould fans might also want to read this

12) Ian Kershaw, Hitler,Profiles in power series, 1991 ed, p21,

I also note Hitler had a tendency to use biological terms in his speeches, calling Jews 'jerms,' for example. Furthermore read Mein Kamph ( my Struggle ).This link at time of writing provides a link to an appropiate chapter.

And some direct quotations from Hitler for you to 'enjoy.'

Adolf Hitler, ' Um das Schicksal der Nation', in B. Dusik (ed.), Hitler. Reden Schriften Anordnungen. Februar 1925 bis Januar 1933, vol. 2(2), Munich, 1992, Doc 245.

The main motivating forces of life are self-preservation and the safeguarding of future generations, and the politics is none other than the struggle of people for their existence. This urge to live is universal and governs the whole nation. The urge to live must lead to conflict because it is insatiable, while the basis of life, territory, is limited. Thus brutality rather than humanity is the basis of life! Man has become master of the world through conflict and continual struggle. It is not humanity, but rather rights based on strength and the pre-eminence of power which have prevailed. But mankind is not a uniform and equal mass. There are differences between the races. The earth has received its culture from elite peoples; what we see to days is ultimately the result of the activity and the achievements of the Aryans. Decisive within each race, however, are the personalities it is able to produce. Personalities have created the shape of mankind and not democratic majorities.

G.L.Weinberg (ed.), Hitlers Zweites buch. Ein Dokument aus dem Jahr 1928, Stuttgart, 1961, p.60

The international market is not unlimited. The number of industrialised nations has steadily increased. Almost all European nations suffer from an inadequate and unsatisfactory relationship between the size of their territory and their population and are consequently driven to export goods on the world market. Recently the United States and, in the far East, Japan, have been added to their number. This in itself has triggered a struggle for limited markets which will become commensurately tougher as the number of industrialised nations increases and, as a corollary, the available markets become more restricted. For whilst on the one hand, the number of nations fighting for a share of the world market increases, the market itself gradually shrinks, partly as a result of indigenous industrialisation, partly through a network of subsidiary enterprises which are increasingly established in such countries purely to serve capitalist interests.

G.L.Weinberg (ed.), Hitlers Zweites buch. Ein Dokument aus dem Jahr 1928, Stuttgart, 1961, p.69

The task which therefore falls to all really great legislators and statesmen is not so much to prepare for war in a narrow sense, but rather to educate and train thoroughly a people so that to all reasonable intents and purposes its future appears inherently assured. In this way even wars lose their character as isolated, more or less violent surprises, instead becoming part of a natural, indeed self-evident pattern of thorough, well-secured, sustained national development.

13)Hobsbawn, Eric. The Age Of Capital, 1977 ed. p.305

14)In my first draft I said a bit about Haldane's dilemma here, but now I have finished by 'whats wrong with the theory of evolution,' file, I simply refer you to that.

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